Importance of External Measures for Business Success

Internal and External Growth Strategies EXPLAINED with EXAMPLES | B2U

Measuring your business’ success is important for its continued growth. By installing performance measurement systems, you can track the progress of your business. Evaluating a business through its external measures means looking at customer satisfaction and customer engagement. Those are important metrics to study and track.

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Business Metrics:

We can define business metrics as the measurement of a business’ activities and functions, which can be measured over a period of time to determine performance. These metrics also relate to business’ their areas of strength and weakness, and where a business might improve. It also offers ways to measure external success of a business: customer engagement and customer satisfaction. Business metrics also enable you to make better-informed decisions on areas that will improve the future of the company to enhance its performance. By creating goals and, you will plot the course of a business for profitability and customer satisfaction.


Two of the most fundamental measurements of a company’s success are customer engagement and customer satisfaction. If your business isn’t reaching its target audiences, then your customer number will be low and your sales will be low too. If your customer service is poor, your customers won’t hang about to support your business either. How do you measure these areas of a business? There are different ways, but the most common strategies involve creating and running surveys and reviews. By counting the number of customers your business attracts over a period of time and measuring it with past records, you can tell whether your business is engaging its target market. Devising plans to study how your customers engage with your business, whether it be social media, e-mail, website or in-store, collecting and analyzing that data will inform you of trends and habits that you need to pay close attention too. Customer feedback is an essential part of any business and such campaigns should be ongoing for growth and success. Remember, customers habits and needs change over time: keeping tabs on those key indicators of change will allow your business to adapt to the market demands and better respond to your customers.


A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool can help you get a handle on your customers and allow you to better target them for product and services sales. It also helps you to keep your focus on your customers and will also highlight  ways to broaden your target markets to increase sales and awareness. Through KPIs, set targets to sustain and grow your business. Creating milestones and both short- and long-term goals will help you determine which metrics will best help you reach those aims.